
Sponsor Levels

Red Star Sponsor

Being a Red Star Sponsor is the most rewarding benefit to a company. By your company’s generous sponsorship, The Warriors Walk will invite your company to host your own table at the Patriots Party, place your company’s logo on next years T-shirt, have your logo on our website, advertise your company’s logo on a trail marker sign at the Ruck March, and invite your company to host your own water station tent where you will be able to advertise and converse with hundreds of people that will be walking the trail. The Warriors Walk will show our appreciation to your company by gifting 4 tickets to our annual Warriors Walk Dinner and presenting your company with a plaque.

White Star Sponsor

Our second tier option allows your company to have an impactful change in the life’s of Service Members and Veterans. A White Star sponsorship or donated item includes having your company’s table at the Patriots Party, your company’s logo on next years T-shirt, your logo on our website, and advertising your company with a trail marker sign at our Ruck March. The Warriors Walk gratitude to your company will be shown by gifting 3 tickets to our annual Warriors Walk Dinner and presenting your company with a plaque.

Blue Star Sponsor

Our third option allows your company to be a valuable contributor to The Warriors Walk. A Blue Star sponsorship or donated item includes having your company’s logo on next year’s T-Shirt, your company’s logo listed on our website, and a table at the Patriots Party. The Warriors Walk will gift your company with 2 tickets to our annual Warriors Walk Dinner and present your company with a plaque.

Gold Star Sponsor

Gold Star Sponsorship is a great way to show the community that your company has joined the fight. Our fourth option for sponsorship or a donated item allows your company to be present with a table at the Patriots Party as well as having your company’s logo shown on next year’s T-shirt. The Warriors Walk values your commitment and will gift your company with 1 ticket to our annual Warriors Walk Dinner along with providing your company with a plaque.

Green Star Sponsor

The last option that The Warriors Walk provides is our Green Star Sponsorship.
If your company is just looking to do its part and support a great cause then
Green Star is the right one for you. By your sponsorship or donated item, your company
will be able to place a table at the Patriots Party and allow you to connect directly
with others that support this mission too.

Company Name
Point of Contact
Phone Number
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